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Lighting Depth

          The lighting redesign will encompass four specific spaces in the building: Library Spaces, Lobby Corridor, Executive Ed Room, and Interior Courtyard.  Schematic designs for each of these spaces have been previously proposed.  These proposals were reviewed and critiqued by Department of Architectural Engineering Faculty at The

Pennsylvania State University as well as a panel of industry professionals at Lutron Electronics, Inc.  In the Spring semester, these schematic designs will be modified based on these reviews before any further work is done.  An outline of these critiques is provided in Part 2 of this report.

          After modifications are made, digital models will be developed for each of these spaces using Rhino.  Using geometric Rhino models as a base, lighting design and analysis tools such as AGi32 and 3DS Max will be utilized to further study the qualitative and quantitative performance of the lighting design.  This process will include careful selection of fixtures and comparison to preliminary design criteria.  An in-depth study of controls requirements and systems will be performed concurrently.

Electrical Depth

          The focus of the electrical redesign will be the Academic Building which is a 110,000 SF, five-story structure home to classrooms and faculty offices.  The scope of this redesign will be centered around a consolidation of step-down transformers from two per floor to one.  This will then result in a thorough study of the repercussions of such a change. 

This will include but is not limited to:

  • Resizing of all equipment based on new electrical design

  • Architectural/programming impacts of one central electrical room per floor

  • Acoustical impacts of relocated electrical room

  • Mechanical system impacts of new transformer type and location

  • Cost impact and comparison between new and existing designs

Acoustical Breadth

          An acoustical breadth study will be performed in the Lobby Corridor space.  This three-story curtainwall volume with two open mezzanine levels seems to have little acoustical treatments.  I expect to find high reverberation times and possibly some mechanical load noise due to the consolidation of electrical rooms on all floors.  Modifications will be made to the design of the space as a result of the acoustical study.


Daylighting Breadth

          To fulfill the Master’s curriculum requirements of this thesis, a daylighting study and redesign of all three interior spaces (Library spaces, Lobby Corridor, and Exec Ed room) will be performed.  Using modeling and analysis techniques learned in AE 565, the daylight delivery system will be modified in all three of these spaces as a result of this study.  Solutions will likely include façade and skylight redesigns. 


Structural Breadth

          Any changes to the existing skylight system found in the Library spaces will require a follow-up study of the structural roof system in the Library building.  The existing waffle slab is also an integral part of the schematic lighting design in those spaces so a comprehensive study will be necessary.

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